Mar 13, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Radiologic Technology - Flex Option, (AS)

Division of Health Sciences

Spring Semester Start

Courses are scheduled in the evening on the Framingham campus for the first two years. Clinicals occur during the day.

The radiologic technologist provides diagnostic imaging services to patients in hospitals, clinics, private imaging centers, and medical offices. Comprehensive, rigorous, multi-faceted, and interrelated experiences in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings are designed to prepare the student to enter the field as a competent, compassionate professional. The successful program graduate will be capable of assuming many responsibilities associated with meeting each patient’s needs, satisfying the requirements associated with the performance of high-quality imaging exams, and assuming accountability for the radiation safety of the patient as well as oneself. Courses are scheduled in the evening on the Framingham campus for the first two years. Clinicals occur during the day. This flexible schedule allows an opportunity for students to complete the majority of courses required for the RT program in a non-traditional, flexible, and structured manner. Graduates of the program are eligible to seek Massachusetts State Licensing and take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Examination.

The Radiological Technology Program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.

Program Outcomes

Program learning outcomes available by clicking here.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Radiologic Technology program is competitive. Students seeking admission to the Radiologic Technology Program will be evaluated by GPA and total number of college-level credits completed at MassBay. Once the selected students have met the minimum requirements of GPA, admission is based a core GPA point ranking system. Though core sciences courses can be taken concurrently, consideration will be given to students who have already completed all core science courses as well as college level algebra. Priority for admission is given to current MassBay students and to those applicants having the highest point rating (core GPA) of the core science classes. Applicants must also meet all other required course prerequisites for the program. Minimum eligibility for admissions to this program includes:

Upon acceptance into the Radiologic Technology program, students are required to attend a New Student (program-specific) Orientation.  Students accepted to the program are required to verify certain immunization and health records and submit documentation thereof by published deadlines which are program-specific and determined by clinical rotation start dates.  A complete list of the required immunizations can be found on Division of Health Sciences’ web pages of the MassBay website by clicking the link, “Health and Background Check Requirements.”  Immunization requirements are in accordance with clinical site requirements and Massachusetts state law.  If the student does not meet the initial published deadline, s/he will not attend the clinical rotation.

Proof of CPR is required prior to clinical placement.  The Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers certification from the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or the equivalent through the Military Training Network meets this requirement.

The student must complete the CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) form to authorize a search of conviction and pending criminal case information under Standard Required Level I by the DCJIS (Department of Criminal Justice Information Services). The student must also complete the SORI (Sex Offender Registry Information) form. The CORI and SORI completion process will occur prior to the beginning of clinical/practicum experiences. If a CORI and SORI completion process will occur prior to the beginning of clinical/practicum experiences. If a CORI and/or SORI Report is returned with a finding(s), it may or may not prohibit progression in a Health Sciences Program. A National County Criminal Background check will be conducted as a part of the student’s completion of the clinical requirements.

More information is available on the Division of Health Sciences pages on the MassBay website.

Applicants to the Radiologic Technology program are required to attend a recent information session. Times and dates for these sessions can be located at Information Session Schedule More information is available on the Division of Health Sciences pages on the MassBay website.

First Year: Spring Semester

credits: 8

credits: 6

credits: 6

credits: 6

credits: 5

Required Courses

* * The following courses must also be completed by the student prior to commencing the Clinical phase (Third Year) of this program. A student may complete some or all of these courses prior to admission. Alternatively a student may add one or two additional courses each of the semesters above depending on specific course prerequisite and availability.

credits: 21

Third Year: Semester 6 (Fall)

credits: 7

Third Year: Semester 7 (Spring)

credits: 7

credits: 12

Total Credits: 78

* Prerequisites: General Biology I (BI 101 ) with a grade of C or higher in the last five years

Program Notes

A grade of C or higher is required in all Radiologic Technology (RT) and science courses.


Humanities Electives:

Art, Communications, English (EN 103 or higher), Film, Foreign Language, Humanities, Literature, Music, Oral Communication, Philosophy, Photography, Sign Language, Theater Arts

Social Science Electives:

Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Government, History, Law, Psychology, Sociology Competency in mathematics is a MassBay graduation requirement.


Graduation Competency

Quantitative skills is a MassBay graduation competency for associate degree programs. Prior to graduation, students must demonstrate this competency by completing a 100-level math course (not MAC); or placing into a 200-level mathematics course.